
Poetry Quarterly’s Fall 2015 issue is full of surprises. The guest editor, Jodie Hollander, brought her unique style to the journal. The featured poet is Christina Pugh, and other poets include Mildred Barya, Mara Bergman, Rebecca Bird, Jody Bolz, Paul Bowers, Michelle Chan Brown, Sarah Carleton, Abigail Cloud, Genevieve Deleon, Julie Dickson, Laura Donnelly, Matthew Duffus, David Ebenbach, Anna Evans, Brian Fanelli, Gary Fincke, Gina Rae Foster, Philip Fried, Vanessa Gebbie, Jenny George, Kathryn Gray, Taegan Harker, Libby Hart, Garrett Hongo, Ann Hudson, Simon Hunt, Andy Jackson, Jen Karetnick, Benjamin Landry, Kathryn Levy, Pippa Little, David Mason, Monica McAlpine, Robert Mezey, Ben Parker, Emily Perez, Dikra Ridha, Greg Schmult, Penny Sharman, Denise Segal Umans, Chloe Viner, Sarah Brown Weitzman, John Wheway, and Erica Wright.

